Tony Umez

Tony Umez is a Nigerian actor. He has acted in more than 200 Nollywood films of both English and Yoruba languages since his debut in the 1994 film

Early life and education

Tony Umez was born in Ogidi, Anambra State. His mother is from Cross River State while his father is from Ogidi, the same place he was born. Despite his Igbo origin, he doesn't speak Igbo but can fluently speak Efik, his mother's language.
Umez grew up in Lagos where he had his primary and secondary education.
He also has a bachelor's degree and master's degree in English and international law and diplomacy respectively from the University of Lagos.

Acting career

He started acting from his secondary days where he performed on stage play and drama. In 1993,the actor joined Nollywood. He did not get a dime from his two movies which made him leave the industry for a few years.