Too Close to Home is an American television drama series, created, executive produced, written and directed by Tyler Perry that debuted on TLC on August 22, 2016. It is the first scripted series for TLC. TLC renewed the show for a second season on September 1, 2016, which premiered on January 4, 2017. Reruns of the show often aired on OWN where all of Tyler Perry's other shows regularly air. On November 2, 2017, it was confirmed that the show had been cancelled and would not be renewed for a third season.
Danielle Savre as Annie Belle "Anna" Hayes: A woman who works in the White House, but after her affair with the President is revealed she resorts to a safe place, which is her hometown in Happy, Alabama
Kelly Sullivan as Bonnie Hayes: Anna's eldest sister, who has natural love for Anna. She takes care of Anna's daughter Rebel, Shelby's son Mac, and her mother Jolene. She also helps Brody take care of his father, Dr Allen. She also works at the May Sally's Diner
Brad Benedict as J.B.: Brody's estranged half-brother and Bonnie's ex-boyfriend.
Brooke Anne Smith as Michelle "Shelby" Hayes: The youngest Hayes sister, who is a drug and alcohol addict, and who is the mother of Mac
Alpha Trivette as Doctor Allen: Brody's father who has dementia
Trisha Rae Stahl as Jolene: Anna, Bonnie and Shelby's mother who is suffering from morbid obesity and hoarding
Robert Craighead as Sheriff Mobley
Annie Thrash as Rebel: Anna's 15-year-old daughter that she left behind to move to DC
Curran Walters as Mac: Shelby's teenage son who is a similar age to Rebel
Crystle Stewart as Frankie : a licensed therapist and the Hayes' neighbor who knows about Regina and Elm's affair
Nick Ballard as Dax : Anna's friend who works with her in the White House
Charles Justo as Victor : Another one of Anna's friends and Dax's boyfriend
Christian Ochoa as John a news reporter
Ashley Love-Mills as Valerie: Anna's best friend who also works with her in the White House. She despite Anna after learning of her affair with the President
Angela Rigsby as Octavia : a next door neighbor of Bonnie who also works with her at the diner. She is also the younger sister of Nelson
Azur-De Johnson as Regina : Nelson's wife who has an affair with his best friend, Elm.
Courtney Burrell as Nelson : Octavia's older brother and Regina's husband who returns after serving time in the army
Nelson Estevez as Elm : Nelson's friend and Tina's husband
K. D. Aubert as Tina : Elm's wife
James Shanklin as Eli : Rebel and Mack's father. He has caused trouble with the Hayes sisters.
It was officially ordered as a series on March 31, 2016 with an eight-episode order. On June 21, 2016 announced that Too Close to Home is Perry's first series or film with an all-white starring cast, even though the full cast is very diverse. Danielle Savre was cast as the series' lead, and Heather Locklear and Matt Battaglia make guest appearances.