Top Dog (comics)

Top Dog is a character from the comic book of the same name, published by Star Comics. Top Dog was created by writer Lennie Herman and artist Warren Kremer. The series lasted for 14 issues, published from 1985 to 1987.

The series

Top Dog is a very intelligent, talking dog who befriends a human child named Joey Jordan. Top Dog goes on to live with Joey, who promises not to expose the fact that Top Dog can speak. The duo go on to have adventures involving spies, criminals and mad scientists, after it is revealed that Top Dog was formerly "Mr. X", a government agent who was valued for his intelligence, but had to disguise his canine nature with a cover ID and a full-body cloak. Amongst these adventures were several crossovers with other Star Comic characters such as Heathcliff and Royal Roy. One story even seemingly involved a Spider-Man team-up. Although it was actually an actor in a Spider-Man suit, the real Peter Parker does make an appearance. The series ran for fourteen issues after which, the character continued to make appearances in Heathcliff comic books in both crossovers and backup stories.


''Top Dog''

The titles of the main 14 issue Top Dog series:
  1. "The Secret Life of Top Dog"
  2. "Spies"
  3. "Mad Biter"
  4. "Top Dog's Secret Past is Revealed"
  5. "Mr. Invisible"
  6. "Frank N Stein"
  7. "Special Team Up: Royal Roy and Top Dog"
  8. "The Strange Disappearance of Top Dog"
  9. "Special Team Up: Heathcliff and Top Dog"
  10. "The Team Up of the Year: Can This be Spider-Man?"
  11. "Enter: Dirty Dog"
  12. "The Revenge of Frank N Stein N Mervin"
  13. "Front to the Future"
  14. "Please Don't Go T-Top Dog!"


The regular series continued in the back of Heathcliff comics starting with issue #22. Issue numbers 36, 40, 46 - 56 did not feature a Top Dog story. Issue #45 is one of Warren Kremer's last published stories after his paralyzing stroke in 1989 :

Characters in the Series