Torn (2013 American film)

Torn is a 2013 drama film directed by Jeremiah Birnbaum and written by Michael Richter and starring Mahnoor Baloch, Faran Tahir, Dendrie Taylor and John Heard. The film was released on October 18, 2013.


The film is the story of two mothers Maryam and Lea who are grieving over their dead teenage sons and then begin to wonder if the other's son wasn't responsible for their child's death.



In September 2012, different news announced the role of Pakistani actress Mahnoor Baloch, she'll debut in Hollywood film Torn by playing the role of a mother.


First trailer and poster was released on September 3, 2013. Later a new trailer was released.
The film was initially limited released on October 18, 2013 at Village East Cinema in New York City.