Total Reality

Total Reality is a 1997 American action and Science-Fiction film directed by Phillip J. Roth. The musical score was composed by Jim Goodwin. The film stars David Bradley, Ely Pouget, Thomas Kretschmann, Anna Nicholas, Marcus Aurelius, and Patsy Pease.


In 2107 Earth is controlled by a military political party known as the Bridgists. There has been a galaxy wide rebellion against the Bridgists' rule, resulting in the destruction of all life on Earth. The rebellion has almost been crushed by the Bridgists, but the rebels make a final stand near Proximia 2 in the Alpha Centauri Star System. There is a starship battle between the rebels and the Bridgists. The rebels win the battle but the Bridgist Commander Tunis and Colonel Norris escape in a time traveling shuttle, which takes them back to Earth in 1998. The rebels destroy the Bridgist ship even though it is full of civilians. Anthony Rand a rebel lieutenant tries, unsuccessfully, to stop the destruction of the Bridgist ship, killing his own commander, so he is arrested and sent to military prison.
Anthony Rand, along with Wingate, Frankel and Uriah, 3 other prisoners, are recruited to go back in time to 1998 and kill Commander Tunis. They have 48 hours to complete their mission otherwise their bio-implant will self-destruct, killing them all.
Rand and the others successfully land in America in 1998. Rand’s group steel a car and Uriah is able to drive it. Cathy Easton, a business woman from 1998, breaks into her ex-husbands house and finds Commander Tunis and Colonel Norris there. Rand’s group also turn up at the house and start shooting at Tunis. Uriah gets killed and Tunis escapes. Tunis blows up the house, but Rand manages to rescue Cathy. The FBI turn up at the house to investigate the explosion. The FBI agents find Uriah’s body, and try to conduct a post mortem. But Uriah’s bio-implant blows up.
Rand’s group returns to Cathy’s house, where Cathy tells Rand that she was married to a John Bridges, Rand knows he started the Bridgist movement through a book on political idealism he wrote. Rand surmises that’s why Tunis has travelled back to 1998. The police arrive so Rand blows up the house and they all escape in the explosion.
Wingate receives a signal from Tunis and Norris’s bio trackers from inside an old warehouse, Frankel finds the bio trackers in wooden chest as Tunis and Norris have managed to remove them. As soon as Frankel opens the chest they self-destruct killing him.
John Bridges is almost killed in an explosion, and Cathy has become the main suspect. The police turn up, Rand and Wingate help Cathy escape. Rand sends Cathy back to their ship, and goes on alone with Cathy to catch Tunis.
Congressman Jerry, meets up with John Bridges to talk about John’s book. Jerry is running for senate next year and he needs additional support. Jerry blackmails John about his tax debts and money laundering, to get his support.
Rand and Cathy go and visit John Bridges, as Rand knows that Tunis may be near. They take out the security guards and confront John. Rand is going to kill John but Cathy persuades him not to, instead they go in search of Congressman Jerry.
However Tunis finds Jerry first and kidnaps him. Tunis plans to replicate himself into the image of Jerry, so he can run for president. Rand and Cathy find Tunis, they have a gun fight. Jerry is killed, potentially changing the future forever, and Tunis manages to escape taking Cathy as a hostage. Rand finds them on a bridge, and kills Tunis. Cathy escapes jumping over the side of the bridge into the river and Rand follows. Meanwhile Wingate gets back to the ship and takes off leaving Rand stuck in 1998.
Rand’s bio implant blows up as his 48-hour mission time has come to an end. Cathy is arrested by the FBI, she tries to explain that she is innocent and that Rand and Tunis came from the future. They believe her and all charges are dropped.
Wingate returns to the future but all the space stations have disappeared. Her ship is picked up by another large space cruiser, which has originated from Earth. In this new reality there has been no war and Earth was never destroyed.
