
TrackTest Online English Assessment Center or TrackTest is an online English language assessment tool launched in November 2012 that measures the English skills of non-native English speakers. The test is using the scale based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
It wants to create a 21st-century alternative to expensive pen&paper tests provided by established companies like ETS. Services for companies and language schools include easy-to-use online management console for managing tests, analysing results and progress of their employees and students. In 2014, TrackTest English Test was used by students from 173 countries and speaking 136 languages. The organisation is an institutional affiliate member of Association of Language Testers in Europe.

Format and scoring

TrackTest is an Internet-based exam that lasts approximately 45 minutes and tests grammar, reading and listening. TrackTest results are available instantly. For a successful pass, it is required to achieve 65 percent or more correctly answered questions.
In 2013, TrackTest introduced TrackTest Score for better progress tracking of users. It is dynamically calculated numeric score on the range from 0 to 1200 using the algorithm based on the all other user results and reflecting the difficulty difference among the levels.
The English speaking test is an optional module of TrackTest level test. It is enabled for all successfully passed TrackTest English proficiency level tests for an extra fee.