Traditional Youth Marching Bands Association

The Traditional Youth Marching Bands Association is an organization related to marching bands in the United Kingdom.
It was formed in 1983 by a few like-minded friends who felt there was a need for an organisation to cater specifically for youth bands, which project a traditional British image and adopt a British military style of drill.


For more than 30 years TYMBA has been the home of the traditional youth marching band movement across the UK. Through training, competitions and other events we work to advance the education of young people through music.

Organizational structure

TYMBA is run by its own members, who together, decide what they want from the association. A national committee is elected annually to manage the affairs of TYMBA. Our regional structure allows bands in each geographical region, South, Midlands and North, to meet regularly and feedback ideas and comments to the national committee through the regional meetings. The current chairman is Carl Nelson.


Stuart Warmington, Cpl Bugler HM Royal Marines Corps of Drums, Head of Marching at the British Drum Co.

Bands classes

Currently TYMBA membership stands at 12 bands, divided into three competition classes, as of 2017.

Contest Class