Transferrin saturation

Transferrin saturation, measured as a percentage, is a medical laboratory value. It is the value of serum iron divided by the total iron-binding capacity of the available transferrin, the main protein that binds iron in the blood, this value tells a clinician how much serum iron is bound. For instance, a value of 15% means that 15% of iron-binding sites of transferrin are being occupied by iron. The three results are usually reported together. A low transferrin saturation is a common indicator of iron deficiency anemia whereas a high transferrin saturation may indicate iron overload or hemochromatosis.
Transferrin saturation is also called transferrin saturation index or transferrin saturation percentage

Usual values

Normal reference ranges are:
μg/dL = micrograms per deciliter
μmol/L = micromoles per liter
Laboratories often use different units and "normal" may vary by population and the lab techniques used. To help clinicians interpret their patients' results, laboratories are generally also required to report their normal or reference values.
, comparing blood content of iron and related compounds with other constituents.