Transnational progressivism

Transnational progressivism is a Neologism coined by Hudson Institute Fellow John Fonte in 2001 to identify a supposed ideology that endorses a concept of postnational global citizenship and promotes the authority of international institutions over the sovereignty of individual nation-states.. Like the similar notion of Cultural Marxism, it is part of a conservative critique that groups together people and organizations who do not use the term themselves and do not generally consider themselves to share a single ideology or necessarily to belong to the same movement.


Fonte argued that the core beliefs of this view include:
In John Ringo's military science fiction series Legacy of the Aldenata, the Aldenata are described disparagingly as "galactic tranzis".
Tom Kratman references tranzi in "Caliphate", a near future science fiction novel. In the afterword, which is not fiction, he describes how the tranzi's policy of appeasement and inertia cause the subjection of Europe to Islamic control.