Triacylglycerol lipase

Triacylglycerol lipase , are enzymes that hydrolyse ester linkages of triglycerides. These lipases are widely distributed in animals, plants and prokaryotes. This family was also called class 3 lipases as they are only distantly related to other lipase families. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

Human proteins containing this domain

; DAGLB; LOC221955;
The pancreatic enzyme acts only on an ester-water interface.


Other names include lipase, butyrinase, tributyrinase, Tween hydrolase, steapsin, triacetinase, tributyrin esterase, Tweenase, amno N-AP, Takedo 1969-4-9, Meito MY 30, Tweenesterase, GA 56, capalase L, triglyceride hydrolase, triolein hydrolase, tween-hydrolyzing esterase, amano CE, cacordase, triglyceridase, triacylglycerol ester hydrolase, amano P, amano AP, PPL, glycerol-ester hydrolase, GEH, meito Sangyo OF lipase, hepatic lipase, lipazin, post-heparin plasma protamine-resistant lipase, salt-resistant post-heparin lipase, heparin releasable hepatic lipase, amano CES, amano B, tributyrase, triglyceride lipase, liver lipase, hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase).