
Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana, Triangle Pose is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. Variations include Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana.

Etymology and origins

The name comes from the Sanskrit words utthita, "extended", trikoṇa "triangle", and āsana "posture" or "seat".
The pose is first described in the 20th century, appearing in the teaching of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, including his 1934 book Yoga Makaranda, and in the works of his students.


Trikonasana is performed in two parts, facing left, and then facing right. The practitioner begins standing with the feet one leg-length apart, knees unbent, turns the right foot completely to the outside and the left foot less than 45 degrees to the inside, keeping the heels in line with the hips. The arms are spread out to the sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down; the trunk is extended as far as is comfortable to the right, while the arms remain parallel to the floor. Once the trunk is fully extended to the right, the right arm is dropped so that the right hand reaches the shin to the front of the right foot, with the palm down if flexed. The left arm is extended vertically, and the spine and trunk are gently twisted counterclockwise, using the extended arms as a lever, while the spine remains parallel to the ground. The arms are stretched away from one another, and the head is often turned to gaze at the left thumb, slightly intensifying the spinal twist. Returning to standing, the bend is then repeated to the left.

Stylistic differences

Different schools of yoga have slightly different views about what trikonasana is and how it should be performed. A 2001 article on the asana in Yoga Journal with instructions given by teachers from five modern yoga traditions showed differing opinions with respect to the body positioning. This article does not make a distinction between trikonasana and utthita trikonasana.
In the tradition of Satyananda Yoga trikonasana is described as a series of up to five different asanas performed in sequence but labeled with the single name "trikonasana".


Variations include: