The most popular variants of the trim function strip only the beginning or end of the string. Typically named ltrim and rtrim respectively, or in the case of Python: lstrip and rstrip. C# uses TrimStart and TrimEnd, and Common Lispstring-left-trim and string-right-trim. Pascal and Java do not have these variants built-in, although Object Pascal has TrimLeft and TrimRight functions.
Many trim functions have an optional parameter to specify a list of characters to trim, instead of the default whitespace characters. For example, PHP and Python allow this optional parameter, while Pascal and Java do not. With Common Lisp's string-trim function, the parameter is required. The C++ Boost library defines space characters according to locale, as well as offering variants with a predicate parameter to select which characters are trimmed.
An uncommon variant of trim returns a special result if no characters remain after the trim operation. For example, Apache Jakarta's StringUtils has a function called stripToNull which returns null in place of an empty string.
Space normalization
Space normalization is a related string manipulation where in addition to removing surrounding whitespace, any sequence of whitespace characters within the string is replaced with a single space. Space normalization is performed by the function named Trim in spreadsheet applications, and by the normalize-space function in XSLT and XPath,
In-place trimming
While most algorithms return a new string, some alter the original string in-place. Notably, the Boost library allows either in-place trimming or a trimmed copy to be returned.
Definition of whitespace
The characters which are considered whitespace varies between programming languages and implementations. For example, C traditionally only counts space, tab, line feed, and carriage return characters, while languages which support Unicode typically include all Unicode space characters. Some implementations also include ASCIIcontrol codes along with whitespace characters. Java's trim method considers ASCII spaces and control codes as whitespace, contrasting with the Java isWhitespace method, which recognizes all Unicode space characters. Delphi's Trim function considers characters U+0000 through U+0020 to be whitespace.