Trinity Session

The Trinity Session is a contemporary art production team directed by Stephen Hobbs and Marcus Neustetter.
The Trinity Session is defined by exchanges with their home-city Johannesburg.mp3|thumb|Stephen Hobbs and Marcus Neustetter
Some of the most recent works of The Trinity Session include: Temporary But Permanent Projects a Survey exhibition at Museum of African Design, Johannesburg and at The Athenaeum in Port Elizabeth ; Renaming the City, commissioned artwork for the Ars
Electronica Festival in Linz ; Exquisite Corpse, a video performance presented at the Subtle Tech festival in Toronto ; Platform 1, a public intervention with the Swallows Foundation, GIFT Festival in Gateshead ; Bessengue B’etoukoa a public intervention in Douala commissioned for Across the board: Public Space/ Public Sphere curated by Elvira Dyangani Ose, for the SUD – Salon Urbain de Douala 2013 ; ATAYA, a public performance France/South Africa Cultural Seasons in St Ouen and Paris ; Fluid Stop, a site-specific installation and public projection at Greenhouse, St Etienne.

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