Tristan Anderson

Tristan C. Anderson is a BAFTA award winning filmmaker and musician based in London, England. He has made films for the BBC, Channel 4, The Guardian, London Live, and on the Emmy Award winning Current TV. His music has been featured on the BBC & Current TV.
Tristan is also one of the founders of 'DocHeads', a dedicated documentary screening, networking, and funding organization that promotes the work of documentary filmmakers.
He is the creator of the term Pop Doc. An experimental new genre of music video-cum-documentary bridging the conventions of each, where song acts as score and/or documentary becomes visuals. He showcased this genre from his recent #Soundtracks project, the world’s first music video documentary album consisting of 8 songs with 8 films.


2005 - Modern Sign Language
2008 - ArtWars
2013 - Revolutions
2014 - Digital Church
2015 - Islands
2016 - No Hands
2018 - Tristan C Anderson - #Soundtracks