Troll Tales is a Danish-German animated series from 1999 based on the books of Henning Kure. It involves three young trolls called Snapper, Tumbler and Willy Wee. The series has been dubbed into English, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Hungarian, Russian and Dutch. It aired in Scandinavia on Cartoon Network, Boomerang and DR1, in Germany on ZDF and KiKA, in Hungary on Duna TV and in Belgium on Ketnet. All music was composed, performed and produced by John Mitchell and Tom Keenlyside at Anitunes Music Inc.. All episodes were released on DVD in Russia with Russian and English audio tracks.
Join the adventures of the three young trolls Snapper, Tumbler, and willy Wee, as they explore the magical Troll forest and in their own unique way - make sure that the elves, nixes and other faerie folk will never forget. The Trolls are an anarchistic lot, always on the lookout for fun. They never realise what havoc they wreak, nor do they care. They are mischievous but harmless. Everyone in the magical forest knows our three heroes by the pranks they play and the adventures they share.
Voiced by Kathleen Barr. Snapper is a rather scrawny, barefoot, troll child from a forest filled of magic creatures. He is generally pretty disliked by just about everyone in the forest due to the constant pranks he plays on anyone he comes across. He is very cunning. He is also a master at every kind of music instrument he learns the basics off, but favours the flute. While he generally doesn't care about the consequences of his actions, he often resolves bad situations he played a part in instigating. He has a little troll named Willy Wee living in his hat. He has a really big ego. Unlike the other trolls, Snapper goes barefoot.
Voiced by Cathy Weseluck. Tumbler is a fat little troll child. He is rather dull and mostly just tags along with Snapper, agrees with him, when he compliments himself, and takes part in his pranks. He is rather shy.
Willy Wee
Willy Wee is a naked nano-troll. He doesn't like any of the creatures in the forest that much, except Snapper, Sun-Eye, Tim, and Huldra.
Sun Eye
A boy who thinks he's a troll.
Supporting characters
Gecko is a big-eyed troll with tamed crows called, Jeremy, Pascal, and many more.
Huldra is a huntress of the Vittling Folk. Huldra is the laughing stock of her tribe, being kinda clumsy, and short-thinking sometimes, as well as being one of Snappers main targets for pranks. She yearns to prove that she can be just as good a hunter as the adult Vittlings. She seems to have some kind of liking for Snapper, as she enjoyed kissing him just to see his reaction, as well getting pretty jealous when a mermaid flirted with him.
Huldra's pet moose/elk. He is very gluttonous and has a sweet tooth. He is also rather dumb.
A troll woman who desperately wants children and will even steal human children.
Voiced by Michael Dobson. Gnarlyconk is a short-tempered troll who is Snapper's nemesis.
Voiced by Michael Dobson. An aquaticspirit feared by many of the forest's inhabitants. He dwells in a castle in the lake. He enchants people with false promises and wishes so that he can keep them there forever.
A beautiful creature from the sea. She gets lost in the troll river and falls in love with Snapper. After she successfully seduced Snapper, she transformed him into a sea troll.