
Trollz is a 2005 animated television series produced by DIC Entertainment Corporation and features the adventures of five teenage girls, who call themselves the Best Friends for Life, who use magic every day to help them with their everyday life as well as battling whatever magical creatures and issues they may find themselves up against. These trolls were based on the troll doll created in the 1960s.
A single season was produced with a total of 27 episodes. A second season was planned, but was later cancelled.



The main characters in the series are collectively known as the "Best Friends For Life".


Spell Phones are devices based on a real life cellphones, but are adapted to provide functions for magic and spellbeads as well as provide the standard functions of a normal cellphone. "Spell Calls" are used to cast spells on other trollz across long distances. To initiate a Spell Call, the caller places a spell bead in the spell bead slot after inciting the incantation and then dialing the phone number of the intended recipient and hitting the cast button. The Spell Phone then transfers the spell through the phone line and when the recipient picks up the phone the spell is released through the receiver of the phone. It is a useful function that allows trollz to cast spells across long distances, but a lot of teenagers misuse the function and instead use it to play pranks.


Home Media releases

In 2004, DIC signed a deal with Warner Home Video to release Trollz DVDs in most regions. These DVDs would be produced as 9 feature-length movies, each containing 3 episodes. The first two were known as Best Friends for Life - The Movie and Magic of the Five - The Movie, which were released in September 2005 and contained episodes 1-3 and 4-6 respectively.
In August 2007, NCircle Entertainment would re-issue both DVDs and would then release the then-scrapped Hair Over Heels - The Movie in December 2007, which contained episodes 7-9. A Hair A-Fair - The Movie and You Glow Girls! - The Movie, which would have episodes 10-12 and 13-15 respectively, were due for release in June 2008, but were both cancelled alongside the 4 other planned Trollz DVDs.
BBC DVD released Best Friends for Life! The Movie in the United Kingdom in 2006, while in France TF1 Video released "La Magie des Cinq" in October 2009 through their TFOU Video label.

Broadcast history

The "Best Friends for Life" movie originally premiered on Disney Channel on August 27, 2005 and then began its regular series run on the syndicated DIC Kids Network E/I block in 2005. The series would later re-air on the Cookie Jar TV block on CBS, and later Cookie Jar Toons on This TV.
In the Republic of Ireland, the series aired on RTÉ Two from 28 September 2005 to 2006.
In the United Kingdom and France, the series aired on CBBC and TF1 respectively. In the UK, the series would re-air on Pop Girl.
In many international regions including Australia, Spain, Scandinavia and Asia, the series aired on Nickelodeon.