Trongsa District

Trongsa District is one of the districts of Bhutan. It is the most central district of Bhutan and the geographic centre of Bhutan is located within it at Trongsa Dzong.


Trongsa is a linguistically diverse district. In the north and east inhabitants speak Bumthangkha, and in the extreme southeast Khengkha is spoken. Nyenkha is spoken in the western half of the district, straddling the border with Wangdue Phodrang District. To the north, along and across the same border, live speakers of Lakha. In the extreme south, the national language Dzongkha is spoken. Across the mid-south, tiny communities of autochthonous 'Olekha speakers have all but disappeared.
Historically, Bumthangkha and its speakers have had close contact with speakers of Kurtöpkha, Mangduepikha and Khengkha, nearby languages of central and eastern Bhutan, to the extent that they may be considered part of a wider collection of "Bumthang languages." Nyenkha, also related to the Bumthang languages, is more divergent while 'Olekha is only distantly related.


Trongsa District is bordered by Wangdue Phodrang District to the west and Bumthang District to the east. To the south it borders Tsirang, Sarpang, and Zhemgang Districts.

Administrative divisions

Trongsa District is divided into five village blocks :
Most of Trongsa Districts is environmentally protected. Wangchuck Centennial Park in the north and Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park in central, western, and southern Trongsa are connected by biological corridors, all of which are protected areas of Bhutan. Biological corridors also occupy substantial portions of the southeast and northeast, leading to Thrumshingla National Park in neighboring districts.