True Montenegro

The True Montenegro is an extra-parliamentary right-wing populist political party in Montenegro, formed in January 2018 from the political movement Resistance to Hopelessness, prior to the March 2018 presidential election. The founder and current leader of True Montenegro is Marko Milačić, former journalist and political activist. The party has no seats in the Parliament of Montenegro, and is yet to contest the parliamentary election.


After a series of unsuccessful attempts by the entire opposition to nominate a common candidate for 2018 presidential election Executive Board of newly formed True Montenegro has decided to support the previously-announced candidacy of the party leader Marko Milačić for President of Montenegro. After handing over more than 8,000 signatures of support to Montenegrin State Electoral Commission on 8 March, Milačić started his presidential campaign under the slogan "Bravely, enough waiting". Milačić came fourth in the election, winning 2.8% of the votes.


The public appearance of the True Montenegro party is based on social conservativism, traditionalism, Serbian–Montenegrin unionism and frequent right-wing populist and nationalist rhetoric. The party views the Serb community, which it represents, as discriminated against. It sees Montenegro as pursuing the concept of a nation-state and the politics of assimilation. The main goals of the party is to overthrow the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists of Milo Đukanović, which has been in power since the introduction of multi-party system, withdrawal Montenegro from NATO, proclamation of military neutrality and withdrawal of Montenegro soldiers from all military missions abroad.
Party leader Milačić maintains cooperation with certain regional public personalities, such as Croatian MP Ivan Pernar, Bosnian conceptual artist and activist Damir Nikšić and Serbian Canadian filmmaker Boris Malagurski.


Presidential elections