Tsai Ying-wen (political scientist)

Tsai Ying-wen was a Taiwanese political scientist and translator. He was a fellow at Academia Sinica, with his main research focus on the history of Western political thought. His book, From Monarchy and Autocracy to Democracy, won Academia Sinica's 5th Academic Book Award in Humanities and Social Sciences in 2016.


Tsai was born on 4 June 1952 in Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of History of Tunghai University, and later obtained a Ph.D. in political science from the University of York in the United Kingdom. He was a research fellow at Academia Sinica, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge. His main research area was the history of Western political thought.
Tsai was one of the first scholars to introduce the political theories of Hannah Arendt to the Chinese-speaking world. He translated the second section and the third section of Arendt's influential work The Origins of Totalitarianism into Chinese. He compared Arendt's theories to those of Carl Schmitt, and was one of the first to introduce Italian scholar Giorgio Agamben's state of exception concepts to Chinese speakers.
As Tsai shared the same Chinese name as the Republic of China President Tsai Ing-wen, his works were often mistakenly attributed to her. On 19 January 2016, after Tsai Ing-wen won the Taiwan presidential election, Hong Kong political commentator wrote a column stating that she, as the translator of Quentin Skinner's book on Niccolò Machiavelli, would be well-versed in Machiavellian tactics. On 31 January, Yazhou Zhoukan published an article pointing out that the book was translated by the political scientist Tsai Ying-wen in 1983, not by the president-elect.
In December 2016, Tsai's 2015 book, From Monarchy and Autocracy to Democracy: The Development of Western Democratic Thoughts and Its Problems, won Academia Sinica's 5th Academic Book Award in Humanities and Social Sciences. At the award ceremony, he mentioned that his "obscure" academic work had sold well and was reprinted within three months of publication, and jokingly said that most readers must have mistaken the book's author as President Tsai Ing-wen.
On 10 October 2019, Tsai died from infections caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease, aged 67.

Selected works
