
Tsotsi-Yurt is a village in Kurchaloyevsky District, Chechnya.

Administrative and municipal status

Municipally, Tsotsi-Yurt is incorporated as Tsotsi-Yurtovskoye rural settlement. It is the administrative center of the municipality and the only settlement included in it.


Tsotsi-Yurt is located on both banks of the Khulkhulau River. It is located north-west of the town of Kurchaloy and south-east of the city of Grozny.
The nearest settlements to Tsotsi-Yurt are Dzhalka and Novy Engenoy to the north, Ilaskhan-Yurt to the north-east, Geldagana to the south-east, Avtury to the south, Germenchuk to the south-west, Mesker-Yurt to the west, and the city of Argun to the north-west.


According to legend, the village of Tsotsi-Yurt was founded by a man named Tsotsa, a member of the Meskroy teip.
In 1944, after the genocide and deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people and the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was abolished, the village of Tsotsi-Yurt was renamed to Oktyabrskoye and settled by people from the neighbouring republic of Dagestan.
During the early 1990s, the village regained its old Chechen name, Tsotsi-Yurt.


According to the 2010 census, the majority of residents of Tsotsi-Yurt were ethnic Chechens.


All of Tsotsi-Yurt is supplied by gas and water pipelines. It lies on the public transport route from Grozny to Kurchaloy.
The village has three schools, several kindergartens and a clinic. There is a small agricultural and industrial economy in the village.