Tuļļi Lum

Tuļļi Lum is an Estonian/Livonian folk music band that was formed in 1999 when the Estonian ensemble found Livonian Julgī Stalte, originally from Riga, Latvia, while she was studying music in Estonia.
The basis of much of the group's works are the books of the Estonian folklorist Oskar Loorits, while musically they are considered a fusion between authentic Livonian folk music and jazz.


Track listing:
  1. Līgõ
  2. Tōți broutšõb Rīgõ
  3. Mäd sizār
  4. Astā, veļ, tȭlpa pǟl
  5. Joutõmlaps loul
  6. Ōra um
  7. Lōla, izā, lōla, pūoga
  8. Jōņ loul
  9. Ni kīlmiz
  10. Sov
  11. Eijõ