Tuchengzi Formation

The Tuchengzi Formation is a geological formation in China whose strata span the Tithonian to Berriasian ages. Dinosaur fossils, particularly footprints, have been found from the formation.

Vertebrate paleofauna

The Tuchengzi Formation was deposited during a time of transition between the Daohugou Biota and the Jehol biota. The Tuchengzi represents a poorer, more arid climate that appears to have caused much of the Daohugou fauna to become extinct. They would later be replaced by the Jehol biota when conditions became more favorable to a diversity of terrestrial animal life.
Indeterminate sauropod remains formerly attributed to the Mamenchisauridae and Brachiosauridae have been found in Liaoning, China. Theropod tracks, including those made by avialans, have been found in Liaoning, China.
ChaoyangsaurusC. youngiLiaoning"Partial skull with mandible, cervicals, humerus, and scapula."
A primitive ceratopsian


Grallator isp.


Footprints belonging to the Grallator form taxon, made by an unknown small theropod.


M. sinensis


Footprints belonging to the Menglongipus sinensis form taxon, made by an unknown small deinonychosaur