Tucker Cawley

Tucker Cawley is an American television comedy writer and producer, best known for writing episodes for Everybody Loves Raymond. He has also written for Men of a Certain Age, Parks and Recreation, Up All Night, and the short-lived Kelsey Grammer sitcom Hank. He has won three Emmy Awards, including the 2003 Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series.


He is a 1986 graduate of Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC and a 1990 graduate of the University of Virginia, where he was a member of Theta Chi social fraternity. Cawley broke into television as an intern for the Psychic Friends Network and a personal assistant to Roseanne and Tom Arnold.

''Everybody Loves Raymond'' episodes

This is a list of Everybody Loves Raymond episodes written or co-written by Cawley.

Season one

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

Season One

He is most associated with Everybody Loves Raymond for which he won three Emmys, including the 2003 Emmy for best writing for a comedy.