Tufton Street

Tufton Street is a road in Westminster, London, that is known as a centre for Brexit-related eurosceptic and right-wing aligned think-tanks. These groups are primarily based in 55, but also in 57, Tufton Street.

55 Tufton Street

55 Tufton Street is a Georgian era townhouse owned by businessman Richard Smith. Since the 2010s the building has hosted think tanks related to Brexit and climate change. A group of these think tanks, dubbed "The Nine Entities", use the building for biweekly meetings to coordinate policy and public messages.
The nine entities – the TaxPayers’ Alliance, the office of Peter Whittle, the former deputy leader of UKIP, Civitas, the Adam Smith Institute, Leave Means Leave, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Brexit Central, the Centre for Policy Studies and the Institute for Economic Affairs – were accused by Brexit whistleblower Shahmir Sanni of using the meetings to "agree on a single set of right-wing talking points" and "securing more exposure to the public".

Think tanks