Tun Tun Hein

Tun Tun Hein is a Burmese politician and incumbent Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the lower house of the Myanmar parliament. He also serves as a member of the National League for Democracy's Central Executive Committee and heads NLD's voter list review committee.

Early life

Tun Tun Hein was born to parents Kya Hein and Mya Khin. A native of Zipingyi village in Pyinoolwin Township, graduated from the Mandalay Arts and Science University with a B.Sc. in zoology in 1968.


Tun Aung subsequently became a teacher in Kunlong from 1973 to 1974, and married Sein Sein Thein in 1973. He was arrested in September 1988 for serving as chairman for the Nawnghkio Township General Strike Committee. Tun Tun Hein won the seat in the Pyithu Hluttaw to represent the Nawnghkio Township constituency during the 1990 Burmese general election, winning about 57% of the votes, but was never allowed to assume his seat.
Tun Tun Hein was imprisoned in 2012 and was declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. He was released in January 2015. In 2015 election, he contested and won the Nawnghkio Township constituency for a seat in the country's lower house.