Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse

The Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse is a pair of two tunnels located in the 1st and 4th arrondissements of Lyon, a road tunnel opened to traffic on 19 April 1952 and a sustainable transport tunnel opened in 2013.


It follows the line of the Route nationale 6 and is a link between the Rhône to the Saône rivers. It crosses the hill of la Croix-Rousse. The roadway was composed of 2 x 2 routes with no real separation of roadways until the construction of a central wall in 1999. Its use is only for vehicles with weights less than 3.5 tonnes. The tunnel length is 1,782 meters.
The speed is limited to 50 km/h and an automatic radar used to be located at its exit in the direction Lyon-Vaise.
A separate route for busses, pedestrians and cyclists was opened in 2013. This route is also a safety access to the car tunnel and is illuminated with colored lights, and video displays and music are played as entertainment for the pedestrians and cyclists.