Tunstall Healthcare

Tunstall Healthcare is a technology company established in 1957 which specialises in digital health and care services. Its head office is in Doncaster. It has about 2000 staff, 615 in the United Kingdom. It has 2.5 million users in 51 countries. It is regarded as a key player in the telehealth market.
It sold Tunstall Americas to Connect America.com in January 2019 as part of its move towards a technology-enabled managed services business model.
It is working with Lime Family, a Chinese community aged care organisation, to run a two-year pilot of its care monitoring and management technology.
It is working with Telefónica to provide remote patient management systems and services to boost its capabilities in preventive care at home for people with chronic conditions.
It produced a report with the charity hft which was launched in the House of Lords in 2019 highlighting the untapped potential of assistive technology in social care which was welcomed by the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group.