Tureng Tepe

Tureng Tepe is a Neolithic and Chalcolithic archaeological site in northeastern Iran, in the Gorgan plain, approximately 17 km northeast of the town of Gorgan. Nearby is a village of Turang Tappeh.


Tureng Tepe consists of a group of mounds interspersed with ponds and water courses. The whole archaeological pattern is about 800 – 900 m in diameter. Most of the mounds rise between 11 and 15 m above the level of the surrounding plan, but the steep central mound, marked A on the Wulsin's plan, is over 30 m high and dominated the entire site.
The oldest remains on the site date to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. The Bronze Age settlement portion of the site dates from approximately 3100-2900 BC through 1900 BC. In 1841, some material from the site was sent to the Shah, and examined by Clement Augustus de Bode, piquing initial modern interest in the site. The first modern excavations were done by Frederick Wulsin in 1931, sponsored by the Atkins Museum of Fine Arts. Grey ware pottery from the site was found and studied. In the mid-20th century, the site had a height of approximately 30m. In 1959, Jean Deshayes rediscovered the site, and regular excavations began soon after until 1979.


The figurines of Tureng Tepe have long been recognized as quite remarkable. They include both terracotta and stone figurines.
As far as the stone figurines, there are many similarities between Tureng and the nearby sites of Shah Tepe, Tepe Hissār, and Gohar Tappeh. Yet the terracotta figurines of Tureng Tepe are unparalleled at any other nearby site. These baked clay figurines find their parallels with sites further away, in Turkmenistan and the Indus valley. Some parallels as far as Mesopotamia have been suggested.
Based on the patterns that emerge from various excavated artefacts, it is clear that Tureng Tepe is a site of special importance in its immediate region.


Neolithic and Chalcolithic

During the Bronze Age, Tureng Tepe was likely a thriving settlement.

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