Turkish Coal Operations Authority

The Turkish Coal Operations Authority is the state owned enterprise which mines lignite coal in Turkey. Turkey is the third-largest lignite producer in the world, with 7% of total production. TKI’s annual capital expenditure was ₺198 million per year between 2016–2017., and the largest lignite mine in Turkey is Afşin-Elbistan. TKİ had been profitable but made losses in 2016 and 2017. In 2018 TKI mined 30 Mt of which 16 Mt was open pit and 14 Mt underground: and in the same year 20 Mt was sold, 12.6 Mt to power plants and 7.4 Mt to industry and households. Ventilation air from some minesi such as Soma Eynez, contains significant methane and so in 2019 studies were being done on how to capture it. TKİ is on the Global Coal Exit List compiled by the NGO :de:Urgewald|Urgewald.
