Twilight of the Dark Master

Twilight of the Dark Master is a Japanese manga by Saki Okuse, and an OVA adaptation. The OVA was produced by Masao Maruyama, directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, and the screenplay was written by Duane Dell'Amico. It was distributed and licensed in 1997 by Urban Vision.


Long ago, the Great Mother Spirit created demons, guardians, and humans. During 2089, only a few demons and guardians remain and in the city of Neo-Shinjuku. The guardian, Tsunami Shijo is out to aid a fledgling human race. Tsunami is looking for a human who was transformed into a monster by drugs. This leads him to Mr. Takamiya, the Demon leader, who killed his lover.
Tsunami becomes involved with a woman who just lost her fiancé and her arm, and now wants to figure out why this has happened. Meanwhile, the Demon leader is still alive and plotting to enslave mankind. Will Tsunami defend Earth once again, or be corrupted like two other guardians by means of the Demon leader?


Japanese Cast
English Cast