Twin Angels is the English name given to a hentai anime series about twin sisters, and a boy who will determine the fate of the world. The title has been published in English under two names, Twin Dolls by Soft Cel Pictures and Twin Angels by Anime18. The series is also known as Seijyuu Den / Inju Seisen. The Japanese original was published by Daiei Co., and created by Ohji Miyako. This title was one of the early popular titles in hentai that arrived in North America.
The title involves twin sisters, Amatsu Ai and Amatsu Mai, who become virgin priestesses that must watch over the boy, Onimaru, a distant relative of theirs. It becomes his choice to make the world a hellhole of debauchery or to keep as it is. Onimaru is the descendant of a line of men whose founder was betrayed by the Japanese government, and whose spirit seeks revenge by making Onimaru a sexually depraved demon king. The founder is the younger brother to the twin sisters. The three of them are the result of a union between a fisherman and an Angel of the Buddhist tradition. As in traditional Japanese folklore, the man acquired his angelic wife by stealing her angelic robes while she bathed, so that she could not return to heaven, and blackmailing her to marry him.. The folklore originates in ancient China, known as "Tian Xian Pei", the love legend between an angelic girl and an ordinary cowherd boy. The two original girls were the founders of a temple and order that rein in the descendants of the betrayed boy, their younger brother. The twin sisters of the anime, older sister Ai and younger sister Mai, descendants of that Angel and her two girls, fight the forces of sexual perversion, in the demonic minions of the founding son, with the help of grandmother Amatsu Genjuu, and Onimaru's guardian Dekonobu.
CPM/Anime 18 releases of Twin Angels were reported to be censored so that 20 minutes of contents were lost. Although the 'underage' Onimaro was cited as possible reason, Twin Dolls released by Softcel Pictures already listed Onimaro was of legal age of 18, and any sex and nudity scenes involving Onimaro were not censored in Twin Dolls's release by Softcel Pictures. However, both Ai and Mai were under 18 in all 3 animated series.