
Twitterature is a literary use of the microblogging service of Twitter. It includes various genres, including aphorisms, poetry, and fiction written by individuals or collaboratively. The 280-character maximum imposed by the medium, upgraded from 140 characters in late 2017, provides a creative challenge.



s are popular because their brevity is inherently suited to Twitter. People often share well known classic aphorisms on Twitter, but some also seek to craft and share their own brief insights on every conceivable topic. Boing Boing has described Twitter as encouraging "a new age of the aphorism", citing the novel aphorisms of Aaron Haspel.


are a brief poetic form well suited to Twitter; many examples can be found using the hashtag #haiku. Other forms of poetry can be found under other hashtags or by "following" people who use their Twitter accounts for journals or poetry. For example, the Swedish poet and journalist Göran Greider tweets observations and poems using the Twitter handle @GreiderDD as shown in the example on the right.


Twitterature fiction includes 140-character stories, fan fiction, the retelling of literary classics and legends, twitter novels, and collaborative works.

Weird Twitter is a loose genre of Internet humour dedicated to publication of humorous material on Twitter that is disorganised and hard to explain.
Related to anti-humour and created primarily by Twitter users who are not professional humourists, Weird Twitter-style jokes may be presented as disorganised thoughts, rather than in a conventional joke format or punctuated sentence structure. The genre is based around the restriction of Twitter's 280-character message length, requiring jokes to be quite short. The genre may also include repurposing of overlooked material on the internet, such as parodying posts made by spambots or deliberately amateurish images created in Paint. The New York Times has described the genre as "inane" and intended "to subtly mock the site's corporate and mainstream users." Related accounts include originators such as dril and, more tangentially, authors such as poet Patricia Lockwood.


Twitter was launched in 2006. The first Twitter novels appeared in 2008. The origins of the term "Twitterature" are hard to determine, but it was popularized by Aciman and Rensin's book. Since then the phenomenon has been discussed in the arts and culture sections of several major newspapers. In addition to "twovel", the terms "twiction" and "tweet fic", "twiller" and "phweeting" also exist.
Twitterature has been called a literary genre, but is more accurately an adaptation of various genres to social media. The writing is often experimental or playful; with some authors or initiators seeking to find out how the medium of Twitter affects storytelling or how a story spreads through the medium. A Swedish site called was launched in 2011 to "challenge people to write deeper than what Twitter is for".