The story follows Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro, a pair of a sidecar racing team members living on Miyake Island, where they take on other rival motorcycle sidecar teams.
A spin-off manga titled Two Car Everyday, written by dōjinshi artist Eromane, was serialized in Media Factory's Monthy Comic Alive from September 9, 2017 to January 27, 2018. A main manga adaptation was serialized in Kadokawa's ComicWalker website from October 2017 to May 2018.
Two Car Everyday
Two Car
Nikoichi was credited for the original work. Masafumi Tamura directed the anime at Silver Link. Katsuhiko Takayama supervised and wrote the series scripts. Tiv drafted the original character design concepts, and Yuki Sawairi adapted those designs for animation. Sphere performed the opening theme "Heart to Heart", while Void_Chords performed the ending theme "Angelica Wind" alongside Aoi Koga & Aimi Tanaka. Crunchyroll streamed the anime.
Original air date
had four editors review the first episode of the anime: Rebecca Silverman gave praise to the episode for its luscious backgrounds and building interest in the sport of sidecar racing; Theron Martin saw intrigue in the Yuri and Megumi relationship possibly making for an interesting watch but was unsure of its place in the fall season schedule; James Beckett praised the animation of the racing sequences and the added use of CG to them, but was critical of the two main leads being characterized and motivated over a romance with their unseen coach. The fourth reviewer, Nick Creamer, felt the show lacked a "real sense of drama or urgency" in both its racing scenes and character interactions, concluding that it "isn't a terrible show in any way, it also doesn't present any convincing reasons to keep watching. This one's an easy skip."
Series reception
Stig Høgset, writing for THEM Anime Reviews, praised the sidecar racing scenes for having beautiful scenery that complement the CG vehicles during the high-octane moments, the sound editing to accentuate driving the courses and the sidecar technical aspects but was critical of the cast of racing teams acting as bearers for the series' unfulfilling comedic and dramatic story elements, concluding with, "Come for the bikes, because the drama and the comedy is definitely not up to speed."