Two Days and Two Nights

"Two Days and Two Nights" is the twenty-fifth episode of the television series '. The episode won the 2002 Emmy Award for Outstanding Hairstyling For A Series. The television show episode first aired on UPN on May 15, 2002. This episode was directed by Michael Dorn, with the story by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, and the teleplay by Chris Black.
Captain Archer and the crew of Enterprise take shore leave on Risa, during which they each experience separate conflicts. Back on their spacecraft Enterprise, the alien Phlox needed to enter a period of hibernation, while T'Pol keeps an eye on the starship. The episode features numerous guest stars playing the roles of those that the crew of the NX-01 encounters on during their visit to the pleasure planet.
Dey Young had previously appeared in the
' episode "The Masterpiece Society" and the episode "A Simple Investigation".
This was the last of three appearances by Kellie Waymire, as Crewman Cutler; Waymire's character was not used in any episodes of season two or three, and the actress died from underlying heart problems in November 2003, after half of season three had been filmed.

Guest stars

On the visit to Risa the crew encounters several characters played by guest stars, this includes:
After arriving at planet Risa, half of the Enterprises crew prepare for shore leave, and Captain Archer organizes lots. Winning a vacation himself, Archer boards a shuttle pod along with Commander Tucker, Lieutenant Reed, and Ensigns Mayweather and Sato. Once the shuttle pod lands on Risa, the crew all go their separate ways. Archer notices a beautiful alien woman and her dog on the balcony just below his. Later, he strikes up a conversation, learning her name is Keyla, and that the Suliban massacred her entire family. He also learns that she is Tandaran, and when he confronts her with the truth, she renders him unconscious and leaves.
Meanwhile, Sato is approached by a handsome alien called Ravis, and the two hit it off. She asks him to teach her his complex native language, and he invites her to the exotic steam pools. The next morning, she awakens happy with Ravis in bed beside her. Elsewhere, Tucker and Reed are in a noisy nightclub filled with exotic female aliens. Two women join them for a drink and invite them to view some nearby subterranean gardens, but when they reach the basement underneath the bar, the "females" suddenly morph into male aliens. Tucker and Reed are helpless as the aliens rob them. Waking up later, they finally escape and make their way back to their hotel room.
Meanwhile, in Sickbay, Doctor Phlox prepares to take his annual six-day hibernation, but he informs Sub-Commander T'Pol that two days should be sufficient. Some time later, Mayweather contacts Enterprise after a rock-climbing accident, and is unnerved by Phlox's absence, but Crewman Cutler reassures him that she can handle his broken leg. He later has some trouble breathing, forcing Cutler and T'Pol to awaken Phlox. Though disoriented and incoherent, he still manages to formulate a suitable antidote, and collapses back into hibernation. On Risa the next morning, the Enterprise crew travel together in the shuttle pod back to their ship, each with an interesting story to tell, but with none willing to divulge any details.


As of 2019, Two Days and Two Nights has a rating of 7.8 on 177 votes at

Emmy for hairstyling

The 2002 Emmy Award for Outstanding Hairstyling For A Series was won by the following team: