
Typestry is a 3D software program released in the 1990s by Pixar for Apple Macintosh and Windows -based PC computer systems. Unlike general purpose modellers and renderers, Typestry concentrated on rendering and animating text entered by the user in multiple fonts. The fonts were extruded into three dimensions, with various bevel styles and textures applied during rendering. Typestry creates 3D text with Type 1 and TrueType fonts and can do many different effects:
Version 2.0
Version 2.1
All Mac version can't use outline font if not have screen font; no problem for Type 1 fonts because have screen font for each style but TrueType fonts only have one screen font for main style. Windows version can use any Windows font.
Typestry was one of Pixar's several application software packages released in open markets. It was discontinued when Pixar chose to concentrate on film production instead of application development..


Glimpse is "a sophisticated Renderman shader made easy to use as a glimpse look" for try help Renderman become standard for 3D shading like Postscript for DTP during middle of 1990s. Pixar also "sell Glimpse for 99$US to use in Typestry and ShowPlace". Later, ShowPlace 2.0 include Glimpse, a tool for edit Looks, "textures and surface effects" for render objects with RenderMan, with GUI. Glimpse have sliders for change material attributes like color, reflection coefficients, surface roughness and gives users real time preview of changes, not need wait for new RenderMan render. But Glimpse not let users edit shader source code. Looks have two parts, Look Masters and Looks Instances, version of Look with created by changing settings in Glimpse.
Alternative tool from Valis Group have name Shader Toolkit for edit RenderMan Looks but more complex and not interactive like Glimpse.