
Tzere is a Hebrew niqqud vowel sign represented by two horizontally-aligned dots "◌ֵ" underneath a letter. In modern Hebrew, tzere is pronounced the same as and indicates the phoneme /e/ which is the same as the "e" sound in sell and is transliterated as an "e". There was a distinction in Tiberian Hebrew between segol and Tzere.


Tzere is usually written in these cases:
In declension tzere sometimes changes to other vowels or to shva. The full rules for these changes were formulated the Academy of the Hebrew Language.
In modern Hebrew there are words which are homophones and homographs in spelling without niqqud, but are written differently with niqqud, the difference being segol and tzere. For example, עֶרֶב evening and עֵרֶב weft are both pronounced and written ערב without niqqud.

Writing tzere with and without matres lectionis

Tzere can be written with and without matres lectionis. The most prominent mater lectionis for tzere is Yod, and in some cases it is used with the letters aleph and he.
Standard spelling rules mandate only one way to spell every word with or without the Yod after tzere. Although in standard modern pronunciation the sound of tzere with or without the Yod is the same, it may change the word's meaning in a written text.

Standard usage without Yod

Tzere can be written by itself without mater lectionis, in which case it is called tzere ḥaser, for example in the word . In this case, in text without niqqud the vowel is usually not written at all: זר. This word can be also vocalized as and the reader has to guess the right pronunciation according to the context. According to the standardized Hebrew spelling the letter Yod is sometimes written in texts without niqqud, when there is a grammatical reason for it; for example, the verb is written without Yod in texts with niqqud, but the Yod is written in a text without niqqud:.

Standard usage with Yod

Tzere with Yod is called "full tzere". When a full tzere is written in text with niqqud, the letter Yod must be written in text without niqqud. The main cases for writing the tzere with Yod are these:
In texts with full niqqud – mostly poetry, religious and children books – tzere is usually written in accordance with the rules mandated by the Academy. The Academy defined some cases in which a Yod is added to texts without niqqud to signify an sound, but in common usage Yod is often written or not written contrary to the standard.
Some notable common deviations from the standard in which a Yod is added include:
Some notable common deviations from the standard in which a Yod is not written include:
The letter aleph is the mater lectionis after tzere in the middle or the end of the word when it is a part of the root: מוֹצֵא, מוֹצֵאת.
The letter he is very rarely used as a mater lectionis for in the middle of the word. The notable example for this is the word יְפֵהפִיָּה, in which the two last letters of the root are reduplicated. It can also be spelled יפה־פיה or יפיפיה.
The letter he is often used as a mater lectionis for the vowel in the end of the word, but the niqqud is usually segol. It is tzere in these cases:
The following table contains the pronunciation and transliteration of the different tzeres in reconstructed historical forms and dialects using the. The pronunciation in IPA is above and the transliteration is below.
The letters Bet "ב" used in this table are only for demonstration. Any letter can be used.
In Modern Hebrew tzere – with or without a following yod – may be pronounced as and transliterated as "ei or "ey". Such pronunciation and transliteration of tzere are not correct in the normative pronunciation and not consistent in the spoken language.

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