Ułani, ułani, chłopcy malowani

Ułani, ułani, chłopcy malowani is a 1932 Polish military comedy film directed by Mieczysław Krawicz and produced by the Blok-Muzafilm studio with the participation of the 1st Light Cavalry Regiment. The film has been taken down by state censorship in 1938, allegedly for ridiculing the Polish Armed Forces. Not surprisingly, it has also been described as "one of the stupidest 'army farce' comedies in the twenty years between wars".
The film tells a story of two muffs posing as Uhlans to win the heart of a maid Helka, considered the prettiest of all girls in Grajdołek. She catches them assuming to be thieves and brings them to the regiment, which is useless, because they originate from there.
