Uch-Korgon, Kyrgyzstan

Uch-Korgon or Üch-Korgon, is a village in Batken Region of Kyrgyzstan. With the population of 56,820, it is the largest village in the region. Under Soviet rule the village was named Molotovabad.
There is a river named Isfayram Soy. Isfayram Soy gives its water to the residents of Uch-Korgon, Kyzyl-Kiya and to other villages around Uch-Korgon and flows further to Quvasoy, a town in Uzbekistan. There are 11 schools in Uch-Korgon such as A.S. Pushkin, Ayniy, Jomiy, etc. Most of the population in Uch-Korgon is involved in growing and selling/exporting cherries, pears and tobacco leaves. Cherries of Uch-Korgon, known as "third type cherry," are the most popular and are claimed to be the largest in the world. Cherries ripen late May and early June.