Ulmus × hollandica 'Etrusca'

The hybrid cultivar Ulmus × hollandica 'Etrusca' was first mentioned by Nicholson in Kew Hand-List Trees & Shrubs 2: 139. 1896, as U. montana var. etrusca, but without description. The tree at Kew, judged by Henry to be "not distinct enough to deserve a special name", was later identified as of hybrid origin, U. glabra × U. minor 'Plotii', by Melville.


The Kew specimen was a small tree with ascending branches. Herbarium specimens show oval or near orbicular leaves, and a short petiole.


The tree was possibly named for its resemblance to Tuscan cypress. Melville photographed a mature, roughly conical elm at Bulby, Lincolnshire, labelling the photograph U. glabra × U. plotii , but the tree is otherwise unconnected with 'Etrusca'.


It is not known whether 'Etrusca' remains in cultivation.
