Ulmus minor 'Monumentalis'

The Field Elm cultivar Ulmus minor 'Monumentalis', the tomb elm, was raised as a sucker of U. suberosa by :de:Sebastian Rinz|Sebastian Rinz, the city gardener of Frankfurt, and described as U. campestris var. monumentalis Rinz, 'Pyramid Field Elm', by Kirchner, who said it had only recently been propagated by Rinz and established in the nursery. It was distributed from the 1880s by the Baudriller nursery, Angers, and by the Späth nursery, Berlin, as U. campestris monumentalis Rinz., appearing separately in their catalogues from U. minor 'Sarniensis', the Guernsey or Wheatley Elm, with which, according to Henry, it was confused on the continent. Krüssmann, for example, gives 'Monumentalis' as a synonym of 'Sarniensis'. 'Sarniensis' is known as monumentaaliep in The Netherlands. :nl:Leonard Springer|Springer noted that the Dutch monumentaaliep was "not the actual monumentaaliep but U. glabra Mill. var. Wheatleyi Sim. Louis", and that it "should be renamed U. glabra Mill. var. monumentalis Hort. ". In England, Smith's of Worcester listed Ulmus monumentalis separately from Ulmus 'Wheatley' in the 1880s.
Rinz gave his tree the name 'Monumentalis' for its columnar form, and because the parent tree stood near the Monument of the Landgrave of Hesse on the former glacis, which is now located in the city at Frankfurt. The German name 'Tomb Elm' may have arisen from the tree's similarity in form to cypress, a burial-ground tree in parts of Europe.


Kirchner described 'Monumentalis' as a pyramidal field elm with a few upright main branches and numerous weak, short side-branches. The small, very rough leaves form a dark green foliage "that appears to hug the trunk". 'Monumentalis' was described by Beissner as a columnar form of suberose field elm with short, crowded, contorted branches and dense, often twisted black-green leaves, a tree of "a very peculiar monstrous appearance". Rinz reported that tree did not grow tall. Some nurseries referred to it as a "dwarf" elm. Henry described it as "a columnar tree with a few upright main branches and numerous short twigs bearing dense crowded dark green leaves". Späth's catalogue likewise described the tree as having a dense upright shape.
Heike in Die Gartenkunst described 'Monumentalis' as "strictly pyramidal", and 'Wheatleyi' as "similar, but a wider, loose crown."

Pests and diseases

cultivars are susceptible to Dutch elm disease, but, if not grafted, often survive through root-sucker regrowth. Chevalier noted that 'Monumentalis' Rinz was one of four European cultivars found by researchers in The Netherlands to have significant resistance to the earlier strain of Dutch elm disease prevalent in the 1920s and '30s, the others being 'Exoniensis', 'Berardii' and 'Vegeta'. The four were rated less resistant than U. foliacea clone 23, from Spain, later cultivated as 'Christine Buisman'.


No examples are known, but a non-grafted field elm cultivar would be expected to survive through root-suckering. One tree was planted in 1893 as U. campestris monumentalis at the Dominion Arboretum, Ottawa, Canada. Three specimens were supplied by Späth to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in 1902 as U. campestris monumentalis. One was planted in the garden proper ; the other two, or regrowth from them, may survive in Edinburgh, as it was the practice of the Garden to distribute trees about the city ; the current list of Living Accessions held in the Garden per se does not list the plant.
U. campestris monumentalis appeared separately from U. campestris sarniensis in the early 20th-century catalogue of the Ryston Hall arboretum, Norfolk. Introduced to the USA, it appeared in the 1904 catalogue of Kelsey's, New York, and in the 1909 catalogue of the Bobbink and Atkins nursery, Rutherford, New Jersey, in separate entries from Wheatley Elm, as U. monumentalis, 'Monumental Elm', "a small variety, slow and dense of growth". An U. campestris monumentalis had appeared in the catalogues of the Mount Hope Nursery of Rochester, New York, as early as 1871. In 1898 the nursery described their 'Monumentalis' as "a dwarf" and "conical in habit".
A suckering, narrow-pyramidal or columnar elm resembling a wild cypress, with dense upright branching and small dark-green leaves, that stood on the azalea lawn in RBGE till the 1990s, was probably one of Späth's three 1902 'Monumentalis'. Melville renamed it U. carpinifolia × U. plotii × U. glabra in 1958. The leaves were pilose above and rather distorted, the lower surface with a zone of dense hair towards the base of the midrib. The tree was one of the first RBGE elms into leaf.

Putative specimens

A stand of young, narrow, slow-growing, dense-foliaged, suckering field elm, with 'Monumentalis'-like leaves, below the Nelson Monument on Calton Hill, Edinburgh, may be regrowth from one of the specimens from Späth. Aerial photographs from the 1980s show a tree on this site similar in appearance and size to the RBGE specimen. Calton Hill was described by Robert Louis Stevenson as "a hill of monuments", a sobriquet perhaps relevant to the planting-location of this cultivar.