Unbound (DNS server)

Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver product from NLnet Labs. It is distributed free of charge in open-source form under the BSD license.


Originally designed by Jakob Schlyter of Kirei and Roy Arends of Nominet in 2004, funding was provided by VeriSign and ep.net to develop a prototype written in Java. In 2006, the prototype was re-written for high-performance in the C programming language by NLnet Labs.
Unbound is designed as a set of modular components that incorporate modern features, such as enhanced security validation, Internet Protocol Version 6, and a client resolver application programming interface library as an integral part of the architecture. Originally written for POSIX-compatible Unix-like operating system, it runs on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OS X, and Linux, as well as Microsoft Windows.


Unbound has supplanted the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon as the default, base-system name server in FreeBSD and OpenBSD, where it is perceived as smaller, more modern, and more secure for most applications.