Uncle Wiggily

Uncle Wiggily Longears is the main character of a series of children's stories by American author Howard R. Garis. He began writing the stories for the Newark News in 1910. Garis penned an Uncle Wiggily story every day for more than 52 years, and published 79 books in his lifetime. According to his obituary in the Chicago Tribune, a walk in the woods in Verona, New Jersey was his inspiration. The books featured work by several illustrators, notably Lansing Campbell. Other illustrators of the series included George L. Carlson, Louis Wisa, Elmer Rache, Edward Bloomfield, Lang Campbell, and Mary and Wallace Stover.

Characters and stories

Uncle Wiggily, an engaging elderly rabbit, is lame from rheumatism. Wherever he goes, he always relies on a red, white, and blue crutch—described as being "striped like a barber-pole", or, in later episodes, "his candy-striped walking cane", with spiral red and white striping like a peppermint candy stick.
Uncle Wiggily is only one of many recurring characters in the series. For example, the Pipsisewah is an unsavory bully who appears as a rhinoceros-like creature. His head has a snout with two small horns and large, snorting nostrils; he wears a black, conical cloth hat and patched scarlet trousers, is stout with a giraffe-skin body and bovine tail, and walks upright on two legs. As do the other characters, he has hands, but bears hooves for feet. He is normally accompanied by the crow-like Skeezicks, in his tall red cap and red-and-yellow-striped suit, and the two of them rarely engage in anything other than mischief harmless to the other characters in the storyline. The Bazumpus, the Crozokus, and the Scuttlemagoon appear less frequently, but are just as outlandish as the aforementioned "Pip" and "Skee", and always require appropriate "handling" by Uncle Wiggily—often with the aid of his animal friends.
There are also several other "bad chaps" in the stories: the Woozy Wolf, Bushy Bear, Skillery Skallery Alligator and the fierce Bobcat, to name but a few. They all seem bent on nibbling the "souse" off Uncle Wiggily's ears, but he always escapes. In shorter, more formulaic stories, his escape is generally enabled by some implement he has just purchased at the store—often while on an errand for his muskrat housekeeper, Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. For example, Uncle Wiggily once used an umbrella to foil the Skillery Skallery Alligator by thrusting it into the creature's mouth and opening it, thus preventing his biting the old gentleman rabbit.
Uncle Wiggily also encounters amicable animal characters from his neighborhood, such as Sammie and Susie Littletail ; Lulu, Alice, and Jimmie Wibblewobble ; Dr. Possum ; Uncle Butter ; Charlie and Arabella Chick; Jackie and Peetie Bow-Wow; Billie and Johnnie Bushytail ; Joie, Tommie, and Kittie Kat; Jennie Chipmunk; Munchie Trot ; Dottie and Willie Lambkin; Neddie and Beckie Stubtail ; as well as many others. In shorter stories, we frequently find Uncle Wiggily helping various of these friends out of some kind of predicament just before one of the bad chaps enters the picture, intent on obtaining "ear-nibbles" from their hapless victims. In longer stories, Uncle Wiggily often is off on a camping trip or other extended journey with one of his friends, fending off repeated incursions or baffling mean-spirited pranks from a lurking villain or two—not uncommonly with the aid of his crutch or a "thing-a-ma-bob" he happens to have brought along in his satchel.

Selected bibliography

Howard Garis published 79 books of Uncle Wiggily stories. A few of these included:
Howard Garis published 32 picture books of Uncle Wiggily stories with Lang Cambell. Each contains three stories, the title story and two more:
  1. Uncle Wiggily’s Auto Sled
  2. Uncle Wiggily’s Snow Man
  3. Uncle Wiggily’s Holidays
  4. Uncle Wiggily’s Apple Roast
  5. Uncle Wiggily’s Picnic
  6. Uncle Wiggily’s Fishing Trip
  7. Uncle Wiggily’s June Bug Friends
  8. Uncle Wiggily’s Visit To The Farm
  9. Uncle Wiggily’s Silk Hat
  10. Uncle Wiggily, Indian Hunter
  11. Uncle Wiggily’s Ice Cream Party
  12. Uncle Wiggily’s Woodland Games
  13. Uncle Wiggily On The Flying Rug
  14. Uncle Wiggily At The Beach
  15. Uncle Wiggily And The Pirates
  16. Uncle Wiggily’s Funny Auto
  17. Uncle Wiggily On Roller Skates
  18. Uncle Wiggily Goes Swimming
  19. Uncle Wiggily’s Water Spout
  20. Uncle Wiggily’s Laughing Gas Balloons
  21. Uncle Wiggily’s Empty Watch
  22. Uncle Wiggily’s Radio
  23. Uncle Wiggily And The Beaver Boys
  24. Uncle Wiggily And The Turkey Gobbler
  25. Uncle Wiggily’s Squirt Gun
  26. Uncle Wiggily And The Alligator
  27. Uncle Wiggily’s Washtub Ship
  28. Uncle Wiggily’s Rolling Hoop
  29. Uncle Wiggily’s Make Believe Tarts
  30. Uncle Wiggily’s Ice Boat
  31. Uncle Wiggily’s Jumping Boots
  32. Uncle Wiggily’s Icicle Spear

    In popular culture

Uncle Wiggley was the name of a small skateboard company from 1984-1990 known for using "epoxyglass" in their skateboard manufacturing. In addition to making their own products, they also made skateboards decks for Losi, Blockhead, SGI, Magnusson Designs, Steadham Designs, and even early H-Street decks. Sponsored professionals included Tony Magnusson and John Schultes.
Uncle Wiggly was a 1990s era rock band.
Uncle Wiggly's is also the name of a Baltimore-based chain of ice cream shops.
A two-part song regarding Uncle Wiggily is on Tourniquet's albums Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance and Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm.
The Book Uncle Wiggily and His Friends has a brief appearance in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, being read by Jenny while Forrest "dangles".
On the September 4, 2013, episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Uncle Wiggly's Rheumatism book was on the "Do Not Read List" skit.