Unforgiven (TV series)

Unforgiven is a three-part British television drama series, written by Sally Wainwright and directed by David Evans, that first broadcast on ITV and UTV in January 2009, and later on STV in 2012. Produced by the Red Production Company, Unforgiven follows Ruth Slater, a woman found guilty of murdering two police officers when she was a teenager. Upon release from prison, Ruth is determined to find her sister, who was adopted shortly after the incident. The series is set in Yorkshire, specifically the village of Boothtown in Halifax.
Broadcast across three consecutive Mondays at 9:00 pm, the series averaged 7 million viewers across its run. Unforgiven won the award for Best Drama Series or Serial at the 2009 RTS Programme Awards. On 25 June 2013 it was announced that Christopher McQuarrie would write and direct a film adaptation of the series. The series was released on DVD on 2 February 2009.
