Union for Peace in the Central African Republic

Union for Peace in the Central African Republic is a rebel group in the Central African Republic which controls southern parts of the country.


UPC was formed on 17 September 2014 by Ali Darassa from ex-Séléka elements. Their initial headquarters was Bambari, however they were forced to retreat on 6 March 2017. On 10 January 2019 their launched heavy attack on MINUSCA forces in Bambari woving to recapture the city. They were repelled and in response Portuguese paratroopers raided their base in Bokolobo seizing some weapons and destroying some checkpoints.

War crimes

On 29 January 2019 18 people were killed and 23 wounded when UPC fighters opened fire during funeral ceremony in Ippy.


UPC profits from gold and diamond mines in areas it controls including Ndassima mine which they share control with FPRC. They also profit from controlling cattle markets in Mobaye and Kouango.