Union of Scranton

The Union of Scranton is a communion of Old Catholic churches established in 2008 by the Polish National Catholic Church of the United States, after the Union of Utrecht began ordaining women and blessing of same-sex unions. Since then, it has expanded to include the Nordic Catholic Church, begun by people who had separated from the Church of Norway, a Lutheran state church, in opposition to similar practices and has developed a more Catholic theology. The Nordic Catholic Church includes the Christ-Catholic Church in Germany as a daughter-church, which traces its history through the Union of Utrecht and the Polish National Catholic Church, as well as St. Severin's Abbey which is the German Province of the Order of Port Royal.


The beliefs shared by Union of Scranton-member churches, distinguished from Roman Catholic and Union of Utrecht churches, are described in the Declaration of Scranton. The Declaration of Scranton expands Declaration of Utrecht principles by adding theologically conservative expressions of faith in the sacraments of marriage and holy orders.
In the Declaration of Scranton, the signatories:
The Union of Scranton has been in dialogue with the Free Church of England as of 2013.