Unitarian Universalist Religious Society of Spain

The Unitarian Universalist Religious Society of Spain was an attempt to organize Unitarian Universalism in Spain.
Although the SUUE became a member of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists in June 2001 and had fellowships, first in Barcelona, and then also in Madrid, it did not achieve recognition as a religious organization from the Spanish government.
In 2001, :es:Ángel Acebes|Ángel Acebes, the denied the registration of SUUE as a religious organization in Spain on the grounds that it lacked a creed. This rejection was confirmed in 2006 by Spanish Ministry of Justice :es:Juan Fernando López Aguilar|Fernando López Aguilar after a second request for legalization was made that emphasized the religious nature of the organization and its historical and denominational links.
Nowadays Spanish Unitarian Universalists are looking for alternate ways of legalization that preclude the existence of SUUE as it had been originally conceived by its promoters.