United Left Front (Nepal, 2002)

United Left Front, a joint front of Nepalese communist parties. ULF was founded on October 3, 2002, with the aim of mobilizing against the autocratic rule in the country.
The founding constituents of ULF were:
CPN and NSP later merged to form the Communist Party of Nepal. CPN and CPN merged to form the Communist Party of Nepal. Therefore as of 2006 the coalition consisted of:
ULF joined part the Seven Party Alliance, and took part in the 2006 Loktantra Andolan. When the interim parliament was formed in January 2007, ULF got to nominate three MPs, C.P. Mainali of CPN, Ganesh Shah of CPN and N.K. Prasai of CPN.
All constituents of ULF experienced splits in late 2006/early 2007, leading to the break-up of the ULF. Splinter groups of CPN and CPN merged into Communist Party of Nepal. CPN was split as Ganesh Shah set up a separate Communist Party of Nepal. CPN and CPN formed one ULF, and the remainder of the original ULF retained theirs. In September 2007 CPN merged into Communist Party of Nepal.