United Nations Security Council Resolution 749

United Nations Security Council resolution 749, adopted unanimously on 7 April 1992, after reaffirming resolutions 713, 721, 724, 727, 740 and 743, the Council approved of a report by the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and decided to authorise the earliest possible deployment of the United Nations Protection Force in the former Yugoslavia.
Noting the continuous daily violations of the ceasefire, the Council called on all parties to ensure the safety and freedom of movement of the Force and urged all parties to help offset the costs of it to secure the most effective and cost-efficient operation as possible. It also urged co-operation of those in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the efforts of the European Community, urging all parties to refrain from where UNPROFOR will be based.
Despite being fully authorised in Resolution 749, UNPROFOR was not fully deployed until May–June 1992. The passing of the current resolution also occurred on the same day many Western nations recognised the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.