United Nations Security Council Resolution 942

United Nations Security Council resolution 942, adopted on 23 September 1994, after reaffirming all resolutions on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council reinforced measures relating to safe areas under control of Bosnian Serb forces.
The Security Council wanted the conflict in the former Yugoslavia resolve through negotiation and while preserving the territorial integrity of countries in the region. The Bosnian Serb party had refused to accept a proposed territorial settlement and this was condemned. It was stated that all measures adopted in this and previous resolutions had been imposed to contribute to a negotiated solution.
Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council expressed approval for the territorial settlement and that it was accepted by all parties except the Bosnian Serb party, which was condemned. All parties were required to observe the ceasefire agreed on 8 July 1994 and cease hostilities.
Security measures in areas under control of the Bosnian Serb party were strengthened. It was decided that all states were to refrain from political talks with the party until it had accepted the proposals. Additionally, all states were instructed to:
The provisions would not apply to the United Nations Protection Force, International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia or European Community Monitoring Mission, and would be reviewed every four months and in the case of an acceptance of the proposals by the Bosnian Serb party. Finally, the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was instructed to provide assistance to the Committee.
Resolution 942 was adopted by 14 votes to none, with one abstention from China.