United States House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife

The United States House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife is one of the five subcommittees within the House Natural Resources Committee.


  1. Generation and marketing of electric power from federal water projects by federally chartered or federal regional power marketing authorities.
  2. All measures and matters concerning water resources planning conducted pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, water resource research and development programs and saline water research and development.
  3. Compacts relating to the use and apportionment of interstate waters, water rights and major interbasin water or power movement programs.
  4. All measures and matters pertaining to irrigation and reclamation projects and other water resources development and recycling programs, including policies and procedures.
  5. Indian water rights and settlements.
  6. Rights of way over public lands for energy-related transmission.
  7. Fisheries management and fisheries research generally, including the management of all commercial and recreational fisheries, interjurisdictional fisheries, international fisheries agreements, aquaculture, seafood safety and fisheries promotion.
  8. All matters pertaining to the protection of coastal and marine environments and estuarine protection and coastal barriers.
  9. Oceanography
  10. Ocean engineering, including materials, technology and systems.
  11. Marine sanctuaries.
  12. U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.
  13. All matters regarding Antarctica within the Committee's jurisdiction.
  14. Sea Grant programs and marine extension services.
  15. Cooperative efforts to encourage, enhance and improve international programs for the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
  16. General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.

    Members, 116th Congress

Historical membership rosters

[115th Congress]